We are excited to announce that Hale Junior School Redevelopment won Category 2: New Construction / New Individual Facility over $8m.
The Jury commented that: “SITE Architecture Studio completed a thorough planning process for the Hale Junior School project. The final outcome which combined the school’s teaching philosophy with flexible spaces is a testament to the exceptional planning processes by SITE Architecture Studio. The final design promotes active and passive learning spaces which provide connections to classrooms as well as connections between internal and external environments. The break out spaces between classrooms provide excellent flexibility to allow various learning opportunities which links back to the Prepare, Teach, and Connect philosophy.
SITE Architecture Studio is commended on the project which has improved the learning of students at Hale Junior School through designing flexible facilities for teachers to implement the school’s teaching philosophy.”
Congratulations to all the winners of the Learning Environments WA Chapter Awards. https://a4le.org.au/news/wa-news/winners-of-the-2018-wa-chapter-awards-announced