SITE was recently commissioned by the City of Swan to undertake a feasibility study, stakeholder engagement and development of a detailed concept design for a Youth Centre for one of WA’s fasted growing communities Ellenbrook.
SITE Director Paul Edwards, element Director Cath Blake-Powell and Community & Stakeholder Engagement Consultant Liz Pope facilitated a series of workshops with the City, key Youth and Community Stakeholders in developing a functional brief and vision for the project. Through a rigorous site, planning, and brief interrogation process, a Concept Design was developed by SITE that proposes a communal hub directly linking adjoining sports and recreation, civic and public transportation nodes within a burgeoning town center.
SITE’s involvement included a master-planning study to define the final site location, facilitation of community visioning workshops and the development of a functional brief and Concept Design to test the project parameters against the budget.
We look forward to furthering developments with this significant community project in Ellenbrook with the City of Swan.